Sample Collection, Processing and Ethics
samples are indispensable in biology research, whether as part
of basic research to better understand physiological or pathological function;
in epidemiological studies; or in the development of diagnostic tests,
treatments, or vaccines. A sample is a small quantity of a substance that is
collected to study its characteristics,
Medical Lab instrumental
Introduces students to the major concepts of instrumental analysis and to some of the instrumental techniques most commonly used in analytical and bioanalytical LABORATORY
Basic Histology
The subject will guide Histology is a discipline which examines the structure and correlating functions of tissues and cells using light microscopy, electron microscopy and other specialized microscopic methods
Biochemistry I
Biochemistry is the application of chemistry to the study of biological processes at the cellular and molecular level. It emerged as a distinct discipline around the beginning of the 20th century when scientists combined chemistry, physiology, and biology to investigate the chemistry of living systems.
human Anatmoy
Biochemistry is the application of chemistry to the study of biological processes at the cellular and molecular level. It emerged as a distinct discipline around the beginning of the 20th century when scientists combined chemistry, physiology, and biology to investigate the chemistry of living systems.
Medical Helminthology and Arthropods
Medical Parasitology is generally classified into: • Medical Protozoology - Deals with the study of medically important protozoa. • Medical Helminthology - Deals with the study of helminthes (worms) that affect. man. • Medical Entomology - Deals with the study of arthropods
Microbiology I
This course is an introduction to microbiology that provides a strong grounding in fundamental aspects of the basic biology of bacteria as well as a strong grounding in molecular biology and microbial genetics. Emphasis is placed on the study of infectious diseases of humans, other animals and plants