System Analysis and Design
Analyzes the business needs and integrates technology into the organization by designing and utilizing models and methodologies to simulate deployment. Key Behaviors. Distinguishes between outcome (what the system needs to achieve) and output (what the system does).
Data Structures I
The subject will guide the student through the algorithms, programming and applications of data structure.
Object Oriented Programming I
This subject will guide the students through all aspects of Object Oriented Programming, including Basic concepts of programming, Object data, Classes, inheritance, modifiers, constructors, and overloading concepts.
Computer Network
A computer network is a set of computers sharing resources located on or provided by network nodes. Computers use common communication protocols over digital interconnections to communicate with each other.
Database Systems I
Database concept and terminology, Database Systems versus legacy Files Systems, Database Management Systems (DBMSs), Entity-Relation Data Model (ERDM), Relational Data Model (RDM) and Normalization.