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E- Commerce

E-Commerce introduces the field of E-Business and offers a broad perspective from which to explore and analyze various components of the E- Business discipline. The course covers several topics related with environment of E-Business.


Financial Management

Financial management is the practices which mean the optimal use of money and the organization and planning the financial aspect of firm. These studies, which undertake the evaluation of the financial performance of an organization, are needed to identify weaknesses and strengths within the firm. A standard process is needed for evaluating how you invest funds in capital assets. This process is referred to as Capital Budgeting. Capital Budgeting includes several steps, such as incremental cost analysis, risk assessment, and working capital provisions. Setting-up all of these steps will ensure that the capital budgeting process is complete and creates value within your organization


تتكون مادة المحاسبة الضريبيةمن جزاين هما:
1-التشريعات المالية الضريبية.
2-التحاسب الضريبي
وهما وجهان لعملة واحدة ولايمكن الفصل بينهما باي حال من الاحوال فالتشريعات المالية كما هو معروف , فالتشريعات المالية كما هو معروف تتجسد في مجموعة القوانين التي تنظم الامور المالية ( الضريبية ) , وان اهم اجزاء هذه التشريعات هو التشريع الضريبي , والذي يتمثل بالقوانين التي تنظم العملية الضريبية في الدولة ابتداء من تحديد نطاق سريان الضريبة ولغاية الجباية , بينما ينصرف التحاسب الضريبي الى تحديد الضريبة واجبة الدفع او الاستيفاء بلغة نقدية لهذا فانه بدون التشريع الضريبي لايمكن انجاز اي خطوة من خطوات التحاسب الضريبي .


Accounting for Banks and Insurances

The course studying will cover Banks Accounting, Entries for Banking Activities (Transactions) and Insurance Accounting in Insurance companies. After studying this semester, the student should be able to:
1. Recognize the administration structure of the commercial Banks.
2. Recognize all activities and services that given by commercial Banks.
3. Analyze, Journalize, posting, and preparing financial statements in Commercial Banks.
4. Determine and explain Insurance activities, operating the accounting cycle and producing the financial statements.

Cost Accounting (I)

The course contains cost definition, the purpose of cost accounting, financial accounting and cost accounting, Cost classification, Cost Estimation, Materials control and procedures, Methods of material issues, Controlling and accounting for wages cost, Cost accounting Cycle, and Accounting Treats of manufacturing cost. The course out line majored  concepts .so this procedure will lead our students to understand the theoretical end practical steps to determent cost estimate according to advance scientific methods to reach the students to be a skilled accountant and then may get future chances in business, because of the wide domain of cost accounting using in business world.

Accounting Software Packages (I)

Peachtree elementary will increase academic performance in all core content areas (language arts, math, science, and social studies) and in all subgroups and grade levels to meet and/or exceed annual targets through the implementation of quality plus teaching strategies, professional learning initiatives, and parent involvement particular attention will be paid to the students with disabilities subgroups.

Unified Accounting System (I)

The course will contain Unified Accounting Systems guide, Explaining Unified Accounting Systems Guide, Accounting Treatments and Financial Statements according to unified accounting system.

Accounting for companies (Partnership)

Course will have concepts, objectives and the types of companies accounting; partnerships accounting, to make the student understand the accounting for forming firm, increase, decrease capital, addition new partner, withdraw partner, financial statements and the liquidation the fir

Teacher: shamal obaid