General English
General English is a loose term used to describe the type of English required for everyday situations. It can be compared to more specific English teaching such as Business English, English for Academic Purposes and so on.
Academic Debate
Debate: The process of inquiry and advocacy; the seeking of a reasoned judgment on a proposition. • Academic debate is conducted under the direction of an
Fundamentals of Radiology
Radiology Fundamentals is a concise introduction to the dynamic field of radiology for medical students, non-radiology house staff, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, radiology assistants, and other allied health professionals.
General Physics
The term medical physics refers to the use of physics principles in health care and medicine. These can include the theories associated with amplitudes, fluid pressure, frequencies and waves. Applications of these principles can be found in diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine and radiation oncology.
Human Anatomy
Anatomy is the branch of morphology that is concerned with the study of the internal structure of organisms and their parts.