General Biology I
This is an introductory course in Biology is the study of life, individual organisms, their communities, and the systems, cells, and processes that make up living matter. Students of biology undertake a general program in which they study living organisms and the systems and processes that permit life
Computer Skills I
This course is an introduction to the basic skills for using the computer. It depends mainly on the syllabus of the ICDL program V.5 . This course will represent the first two models of the ICDL program .At the end of this course the students have the basic skills of using the computer and will be able of passing the first two ICDL models test.
General chemistry I
General chemistry courses typically introduce concepts such as stoichiometry, prediction of reaction products, thermodynamics, nuclear chemistry, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, and many of the rudiments of physical chemistry.
General English I
This intensive course in general English provides an authoritative integrated syllabus, motivation topics, and cover the basic skills required in learning English. This course is specially adapted for the Middle Eastern students. The series of the book adopted has the following key features:
• Student’s Book with CD-ROM, Teacher’s Book, Workbook with/without key, Class Audio CDs, Workbook Audio CD, iTools
• Clear focus on grammar
• Balanced, integrated-skills syllabus
• Real-world speaking skills - Everyday English, Spoken English, Music of English
دراسة تاريخ الشعب الكردي من النواحي السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية
معرفة تاريخ اللغة الكردية واللهجات المتداولة ومقارنتها مع اللغات الاخرى
دراسة الحركة الثقافية الكردية من خلال دراسة بعض الشعراء ونتاجاتهم ودراسة اهم حركة ثقافية الا وهي جريدة كردستان 1889-1902 التي كانت بداية تطور حركة الوعي القومي الكردي .