Academic Debates
Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to: Collect information, analyze, criticize.
Academic English
Understand the most common terminologies and vocabularies in computing
Read and write scientific paragraphs , articles and papers, more efficiently.
Use the internet search facilities more easier to find information he/she needs in English language.
Kurdistan Studies
دراسة تاريخ الشعب الكردي من النواحي السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية
معرفة تاريخ اللغة الكردية واللهجات المتداولة ومقارنتها مع اللغات الاخرى
دراسة الحركة الثقافية الكردية من خلال دراسة بعض الشعراء ونتاجاتهم ودراسة اهم حركة ثقافية الا وهي جريدة كردستان 1889-1902 التي كانت بداية تطور حركة الوعي القومي الكردي .
Logic Design
The course will help students to analyze basic combinational logic circuits and write the Boolean output expression for any combinational logic circuit as well as studying the fundamentals of sequential logic devices such as Latch and Flip-Flop. In addition, this course will enable students to describe the difference between an Asynchronous and Synchronous Counter as well as to identify the basic forms of data movement in shift registers.
Computer Applications
Basic concepts of Information Technology , File management
Programming Languages
This is an introductory course in computer programming covering basic data types, functions and parameter passing, loops and decisions, arrays and pointers, using pointers to pass parameters by reference, strings and the C string library, I/O using the C standard I/O library, user defined data types.