Data Structures II
The subject is designed to teach the students how they can use the applications of data structure and words of programming languages using C++ language to create ideas for programming
Operation Research
Concepts covered in this course include Linear Programming, Artificial Variable Technique, Dual Problem, Simplex Method, Transportation Problems, Network Analysis, Critical Path Method C.P.M. (PERT) Computations, Queuing Theory.
Numerical Analysis
Introduction to Interpolation. Forward and Divided differences. Lagrange and Newton formula. Numerical Integration: Equally spaced points rules ( Trapezoidal, Midpoint, and Simpson’s rules. Romberg rule.); Non - equally spaced point rules ( Gauss quadrature ). Solution of Non-Linear Equation : The fixed point method, Newton-Raphson Method. Aitken’s Acceleration of convergence formula. Solution Of Linear System Of Equations: Direct methods ( Gauss elimination method, LR decomposition method ) ; Iterative methods ( Jacobi's method, Gauss -Seidel method. Successive relaxation method.
Object Oriented Programming II
This subject will guide the students through all aspects of Object Oriented Programming, including Basic principles Overriding Existing Methods, Calling the Original Method, Finalizer Methods, Packages, Interfaces and other class features.
Microprocessor & Assembly Language
The course cover numbering system, internal architecture of 8086 microprocessor, instruction sets of 8086 microprocessor, program with instruction sets.
Database Systems II
Advanced database concepts. Set theory and Relational Algebra. Unary and Binary Set operations, Joins. Structured Query Language (SQL). Simple and advanced queries. Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML).
Computation Theory II
This course is a complement for the first semester in a Computation theory. The aim of analysis is to identify and prove the capabilities and limitations of particular models of computation. It is shown that there are problems that are unsolvable, that is, there are questions that cannot be answered by any model of computation.
Limits on computation in the context of resource bounds are also investigated. Theoretical techniques are developed to show that one model of computation is equivalent in power to another or that it is different in power from another. Models of computation that are covered include finite automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines. Some complexity theory is covered as well.